Choosing the right M2M/IoT wireless network is not a simple task. Like most difficult decisions, the process can be overwhelming and selecting a network that’s ill-suited to your needs can be both costly and burdensome to amend. Thankfully, there’s a great deal of information and comparative data available to assure your decision is a well-informed and successful one.
There are several key issues to consider. For example, if you’re trying to determine whether ZigBee is a better fit than a cellular M2M network, you need to be able to answer the following questions:
- Do you need to cover a long range?
- What kind of battery life do you need?
- Are you collecting data or collecting and sending control messages?
The purpose of this report is to help you evaluate, consider, and confidently answer these questions. For those developing Internet of Things (IoT) apps, it’s essential to make the best possible choice when it comes to wireless technology. In this document, we discuss the benefits and drawbacks of the 7 Most Common M2M Wireless Technologies used in IoT communication:
- WiFi
- Cellular
- Bluetooth
- Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE)
- ZigBee
- Symphony Link
We cover the basics of each network, present several use case scenarios, and provide comparisons of expected ranges while holding other variables held constant.
The bottom line is that there is no “one size fits all” when it comes to choosing an M2M wireless network. If you’re currently developing an M2M or IoT app and trying to determine the best wireless network for your communication needs, this white paper is certainly worth a few minutes of your time - it just might have the answers you need.