Have you been searching for the best way to take your company to the next level? Maybe you’ve done some research suggesting you try new marketing strategies or adjusting your time management. What probably isn’t at the top of your list is technology partnerships. With technology still being new to most industries, most companies haven’t considered what the benefits could be. Aligning yourself with another company gives you strengths that would’ve been challenging to achieve on your own. Let’s dive into how to strengthen your company with technology partnerships.


Increase Your ROI by Investing in AirFinder Everywhere

  • Loss Prevention. Reduce the amount of loss that occurs during the supply chain process
  • Location Coverage. AirFinder Everywhere uses a combination of GPS, Cellular, and WiFi to determine location everywhere
  • Security Alerts. Know when a delay in shipment has occurred so the problem
    can be addressed immediately.


Types of Tech Partnerships

There is more than one type of partner. Each offers a unique set of benefits to you. You shouldn’t limit yourself to one or a few partnerships. Take advantage of every type of partnership because every company you partner with can offer you different benefits. Let’s break down some of the most common companies you’ll come across and should consider partnering with. 


A technology partner comes in different shapes and sizes, especially since “technology” has become such a general term in modern parlance. Depending on your company and your goals, one type of technology partner might be a better fit than another. If you’re a company that creates technology, you shouldn’t discount having a technology partner. In fact, you can find a company that fills in the gaps your company has. If you’ve created an IoT technology solution that helps companies solve a problem, try partnering with a company that has created a different IoT solution that can integrate with yours to make both solutions better. By pooling their knowledge and capabilities, each partner can leverage each other's strengths to develop cutting-edge solutions. 


If you’re a small company just starting out, you may not have a lot of contacts to sell to. You are not fully trusted in the industry yet. To take your company to the next level and establish yourself as an industry leader, partner with a well-established company to give yours some merit. These companies can pass leads on to you that you otherwise would’ve had a hard time acquiring. Through strategic alliances, companies can tap into previously inaccessible demographics or geographic regions. This expansion not only increases revenue streams but also enhances brand visibility and relevance on a global scale. 


A reseller partner provides a way to lift some weight off your company’s shoulders. Sometimes companies don’t have the capacity to hire a large, dedicated sales team. A reseller fills in the gaps for you. The product and service provider supplies the reseller with the necessary inventory, support, and marketing collateral to effectively promote and sell the products. In turn, the reseller leverages their existing market presence, customer base, and sales channels to connect the offerings with the end consumers. This intermediary role is crucial, as resellers possess a deep understanding of their target audience's needs and preferences.

Independent Software Vendors

In an independent software vendor partnership, the independent software vendor typically specializes in developing software applications tailored to specific industries or market segments. They bring their expertise in software development, innovation, and domain knowledge to the table. On the other side, the platform or hardware provider offers an established infrastructure or ecosystem that can host or integrate the independent vendor's software. This can include cloud platforms, operating systems, or hardware devices. The independent software vendor focuses on creating and maintaining their software products, ensuring they are robust, user-friendly, and aligned with market needs. They also handle tasks like software updates and customer support. The platform or hardware provider, in turn, provides the necessary resources, technical support, and market exposure. This can include access to a customer base, distribution channels, or technical integration capabilities.


A consultant technology partnership is a collaborative relationship between a consulting firm and a technology provider aimed at delivering comprehensive solutions to clients. This dynamic alliance leverages the strengths of both parties, combining the consulting firm's deep industry knowledge and advisory expertise with the technology provider's cutting-edge solutions and tools. This partnership model is particularly powerful in industries undergoing rapid technological transformation, as it ensures that clients receive not only strategic guidance but also the necessary technological infrastructure to implement those strategies effectively. The consulting firm, with its specialized industry insights and strategic acumen, plays a pivotal role in understanding clients' unique challenges and opportunities. They provide advisory services, develop tailored strategies, and offer implementation support. The technology provider, on the other hand, provides a suite of innovative solutions, IoT platforms, and technical expertise that can be customized to meet the specific needs of each client engagement.

Managed Service Providers

A managed service providers partnership is a strategic alliance between a managed service provider and a client organization, established to deliver comprehensive and proactive IT support and services. In this collaborative model, the managed service provider assumes responsibility for managing and maintaining the client's IT infrastructure, systems, and networks. This allows the client to focus on their core business functions while benefiting from the managed service provider's specialized technical expertise and resources.

The Power of Collaboration

Many companies try to do everything in-house. Taking this approach is costly and difficult. How much time and resources do you spend doing things that other companies are doing better than you? A simple example is Microsoft. They’ve created a program allowing you to create documents in various forms. Now that this program has been created, your company doesn’t try to recreate your own (unless you’re Google). You use what’s already been done and perfected. Why not take this approach in other areas?

1. Expanding Expertise

When two companies come together in an IoT partnership, they bring their unique strengths and expertise to the table. This collaborative effort can result in the creation of groundbreaking products or services that neither company could have achieved on their own. For instance, a telematics provider can team up with an asset tracking provider so they can offer complete visibility of supply chain operations for fleet managers.

2. Access to Cutting-Edge Technology

Staying at the forefront of technological advancements is a constant challenge. Through partnerships, companies gain access to state-of-the-art technologies and tools that may have been otherwise out of reach. This can be particularly beneficial for smaller companies looking to compete with industry giants. Access to cutting-edge technology can catalyze the development of innovative products and services. By leveraging the partner's technological expertise, companies can push the boundaries of what's possible, creating solutions that address emerging market needs or provide a competitive edge. This not only differentiates them in a crowded market but also positions them as industry leaders.

3. Accelerated Product Development

Technology partnerships streamline the product development process by minimizing bottlenecks and redundancies. Tasks that may have been arduous and time-consuming in isolation are now tackled collaboratively, benefiting from the combined expertise of the partnering entities. This not only expedites decision-making but also enhances the overall quality and functionality of the end product. A prime example is collaboration between manufacturers and tech providers. Manufacturers can build the equipment and the IoT provider will provide the software to go on those devices.

4. Risk Mitigation

By sharing the costs of research, development, and market entry, partners collectively navigate this financial terrain, creating a more sustainable model for the venture. Moreover, partnerships allow companies to pool their technical expertise, offering a collaborative approach to solving complex challenges. This not only leads to more robust solutions but also reduces the likelihood of costly setbacks or delays. Entering new markets or introducing novel technologies carries inherent market risks, ranging from regulatory hurdles to shifts in consumer preferences. Through partnerships, companies can tap into their collaborator's market knowledge, leveraging existing networks and insights. This shared market intelligence enables a more informed and strategic approach, thereby reducing the likelihood of missteps. 

Getting the Most Out Of Your Tech Partnership

Partnerships need to work both ways. Both companies should be benefiting from the partnership. It may be more obvious in certain partnerships how each company is benefiting, as in the technology partnership. Both are seeing improvements in the solution they’ve created and can offer a better solution to their customers. Other partnerships may be less obvious for both. A small company will see the benefits of working with an established company, but what does the established partner gain? Money is the simple answer. How can you ensure you’re getting everything possible out of your tech partnership? Let’s go over a few ways.

1. Properly evaluate all potential partnerships

When you’re evaluating which companies you should partner with, you need to consider a few factors. One of the most important is what you can benefit from each other. It’s a partnership, not a one-time service. Both of you need to have something you can offer the other. If only one of you is benefiting, you should reconsider what each of you offer or pursue a different company to partner with. You should also make sure both companies have shared values and missions. With misaligned values, there could be room for unmet expectations that could hurt the relationship down the road. There are various other factors to consider but these are the two most important ones.

2. Start with a strong foundation

Having a strong foundation starts with proper partnership evaluation. Effective communication and mutual understanding are paramount in establishing a foundation. Companies must align their goals, objectives, and strategies to ensure a harmonious collaboration. When expectations are clear and aligned, there is less room for problems caused by unspoken expectations. You should also ensure you are performing tasks according to your strengths to fill in each other’s weaknesses. With a strong partnership foundation, the lifetime of the partnership will be long lasting and yield company growth.

3. Maintaining the relationship

Maintaining a strong and fruitful business partnership requires a delicate balance of communication, trust, and respect. Open and transparent communication is the cornerstone of any successful collaboration. Regular meetings provide an avenue to discuss goals, address concerns, and share feedback. Actively listening to each other's perspectives fosters understanding and promotes a harmonious working relationship. Trust is the linchpin that holds partners together. Consistently delivering on promises and honoring commitments builds a foundation of reliability. This trust extends to decision-making, where partners should feel confident in each other's judgment and expertise. Adaptability is crucial in the ever-evolving landscape of business. Being receptive to change and willing to adjust strategies or approaches demonstrates a commitment to the partnership's longevity. Flexibility in finding solutions to challenges promotes a collaborative spirit and encourages innovative thinking. Additionally, recognizing and celebrating each other's achievements reinforces a positive working environment. Acknowledging and respecting each other's individual strengths and weaknesses is vital. By leveraging each partner's expertise, your company can capitalize on a diverse skill set. This not only leads to better decision-making but also fosters a sense of appreciation and empowerment. Ultimately, maintaining a business partnership requires a continuous investment of time, effort, and genuine care for the success and well-being of both parties involved.

4. Take advantage of the relationship

The relationship between partners exists to help you improve your company. No matter the type of partnership you have, you will gain from it. Utilize what the company brings to the table. If you’re partnering with a company to improve the technology you’ve built, then use it to make your solution better. If they’re introducing you to an expanded customer base, use those contacts and sell to them. Set SMART goals based for your company to reach on what your partner brings to the table. Once the time period has passed, evaluate whether or not you met that goal. If you met it, create new goals on how to better utilize your partner. If the goal isn’t met, evaluate why. Is your partner not following through? Or were you not properly utilizing your partner? Discover the reason and make adjustments so you can meet that goal in the future.

Are You Ready To Take Your Company to The Next Level With A Technology Partnership?

The transformative potential of technology partnerships is undeniable. These dynamic collaborations propel companies into a realm of innovation and growth that would be challenging to achieve in isolation. By joining forces, companies gain access to complementary expertise, accelerated innovation, and cost-efficiencies that can revolutionize their operations. The strategic alliances between companies paves the way for market expansion and risk mitigation. If you’re looking for a technology partner, reach out to us so we can work together to bring your company to the next level.

What are the 5 Main Components of Fleet Management?

Written by Emily Saldivar

Emily Saldivar is a Marketing Specialist for Link Labs and has been with the company since 2020. She has a background in content writing and is furthering the Link Labs mission through social media and other platforms.

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