Logistics companies have a large burden to meet. In order to make money, managers have to make sure their supply chain is working properly and efficiently. If a product doesn’t arrive at the correct location on time, unwanted costs will most likely arise. Asset tracking solutions have been known to help distributors reach their potential. If you’re not using an asset tracking solution, you may face some risks that could’ve been avoided.

Learn how to avoid risks through Link Labs asset tracking solution!

Lost Assets

Poor visibility during transportation leaves room for lost assets. Knowing the location of the pallets holding the product being transported is vital. Without this knowledge, pallets might fall off the truck, get damaged, or it has been loaded onto the wrong truck. 

If theft or damage is an issue you struggle with, tracking your pallets can provide you with the insight you need to address these issues. You can see where a pallet ended up after being stolen. Asset tracking systems with sensors, like our AirFinder Everywhere, are able to monitor shock and other environmental issues and send you an alert. You can find out when and where the damage happened. This can help you to make decisions to prevent damage by avoiding a similar situation or holding your employees accountable if it happened on their watch.

Unmet Compliance Requirements

Every industry has compliance regulations. These can be temperature requirements for sensitive foods, ensuring safety and security, or any act that’s been instituted by the government. Not complying with these regulations can lead to costly fees and limitations. This can hurt your company’s reputation. A tainted brand name may even lead to fewer customers. IoT technology helps companies meet requirements by monitoring assets’ conditions, identifying locations, and assisting in reporting. Having accurate reporting gives you the proof you need in case of an incident to avoid fines. 


Increase Your ROI by Investing in AirFinder Everywhere

  • Loss Prevention. Reduce the amount of loss that occurs during the supply chain process
  • Location Coverage. AirFinder Everywhere uses a combination of GPS, Cellular, and WiFi to determine location everywhere
  • Security Alerts. Know when a delay in shipment has occurred so the problem can be addressed immediately.


Bad Customer Service

Customer service is one of the top priorities for every company. Integrating the wrong asset tracking platform can hurt your ability to help customers. Using pen and paper is not a clear and accurate way to plan out your shipping process. Even if every employee always remembered to keep a log of loaded shipments, it’s still important to know where your pallets are during transit. This information is crucial to have if a customer expected delivery on a certain Monday, but a week and a half later they still don’t have it. Do you want your answer to them to be “Sorry, I don’t know what happened or where it is.” or do you want to tell them the moment a delay occurs “Sorry to inform you, your package won’t arrive on time because of a traffic delay, instead you’ll receive it on Thursday.” 

It’s important to track shipments during the shipping process. Logistics companies lose tons of packages every year. This hurts their relationship with their customers, maybe even sending them to a competitor.

Want To Avoid These Risks?

AirFinder is a complete asset tracking solution that provides real-time location information to users. Our system provides loss prevention, ensures compliance, and prevents all the other risks covered above. Learn how to avoid all of these risks by booking a demo with us!

Written by Carlos Carrillo

Carlos Carrillo is an experienced business leader with a demonstrated history of working in technology, SaaS, IoT, and all things trucking components in the transportation industry. He has built strong relationships with many fleets in the transportation industry providing excellent products, service, and personality. Carlos is skilled in sales ops, telecommunications, supply chain, logistics management, and business development.

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