As the Internet of Things has begun to explode in popularity, so has the number of companies that sell IoT platforms. Sifting through all the companies and all their differentiation can be a daunting task. Throughout the last couple of months, we have focused on differentiating ourselves from other brands. Let us take a complete look at all the blogs that have covered this subject.

Why Choose Link Labs? Manufacturing

The first group that we will be reviewing is manufacturing.

How Companies Can Enable Tool and Equipment Tracking through an RTLS

As workers in various industries go about their day, they use many different tools and equipment to help complete daily processes. As tools and equipment help workers complete daily tasks quicker, it’s important to have accountability for them at any given moment.

Industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and logistics have implemented a Real-Time Locating System (RTLS) to help them with equipment and tool tracking. Examples can range from crash kits in a hospital to tractor-trailers on a construction site. Why should your company consider using an asset tracking system?

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The Ultimate Guide to Understanding IIoT

Everyone is using some form of IoT whether they realize it. From playing music from your phone to a Bluetooth speaker to utilizing connected devices in the workplace, IoT has a major impact on daily life. In the workplace, IIoT, or Industrial Internet of Things, is driving significant improvements in productivity and efficiency.

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Why Choose Link Labs? Logistics

The second group that we will be reviewing is logistics.

Why do Logistics Companies Need Asset Tracking?

One of the main goals for logistics companies is to get resources to their destination at the right time and in the right condition. With a good asset tracking system, management can have visibility throughout every step of the process and ensure that their goals are met. Asset tracking can also be valuable as it can reduce the errors made when manually tracking assets.

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What to look for in a GPS tracker for Logistics Companies

The ability to track assets in real-time is necessary to carry out the logistics constraints of many companies. One of the technologies for outdoor tracking is GPS. GPS tracking uses different satellites to transmit information. Asset tracking tags can provide real-time updates and lower costs to ensure the security of the assets. Let’s look at how GPS tracking can provide these solutions.

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Why Choose Link Labs? Healthcare

The third group that we will be reviewing is healthcare.

AirTag vs AirFinder: Which One Works Best for Hospitals?

Asset tracking received a spike in interest last year when Apple released its product, the Apple AirTag. The product allows users to track their personal belongings with an iPhone through WiFi and cellular. It caused many commercial companies to start researching asset tracking systems for commercial use cases. With research, they soon realized that the Apple AirTag is not an ideal solution. Let’s take a look at how AirTag stacks up against AirFinder, an enterprise solution for tracking items, in the healthcare industry. With many high-dollar capital assets in a hospital, asset tracking and monitoring is a huge priority.

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Three Benefits of Having RTLS in the Healthcare Industry

Are the companies around you starting to use RTLS (Real-Time Location Systems)? Have you ever wondered why? It might be because RTLS provides value across multiple industries. If you’re in the healthcare industry, here are benefits exclusive to you. Examples of real-time location systems in healthcare include tracking medicine and equipment. Implementing RTLS in hospitals can provide crucial cost-controlling and life-saving benefits.

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Why Choose Link Labs? General

The last group that we will be reviewing was difficult to classify, so we clumped them all together.

The Importance of Data in Asset Tracking

Each company has different reasons why they could benefit from implementing a system for tracking and monitoring assets. Many take the first step by implementing a Real Time Location System (RTLS) pilot. But what criteria should be used to determine if the pilot is worth further exploration? The answer is data. There is a difference between using an asset tracking system to gather data and then using that data to act. Actionable data and insights are an essential part of any organization's asset tracking strategy. Here are some ways that Link Labs’ AirFinder data can help your company.

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The CIOs Guide to Selecting an Asset Tracking System

The role of the CIO has many functions that deal with technological projects within a company. Today, efficiently managed and implemented technology is more vital than ever. This includes implementing IoT solutions that enable greater workplace processes. When selecting an asset tracking system, three main attributes must be considered: functionality, reliability, and scalability.

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Importance of a Full-Stack IoT RTLS

The integration of a Full Stack IoT RTLS has proven to be the future for business owners who desire to enhance their business tracking in 2022. An RTLS system provides your company with real-time location tracking and monitoring. For companies researching RTLS solutions, having a full-stack system is essential.

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The Power of Asset Tracking in Commercial Industries

Companies in commercial industries are constantly looking for new or cost-effective technology in their factories or workplaces. The main goal is to maximize production to increase sales, process efficiencies, and customer satisfaction. Commercial industries are fast-paced and require work to be as efficient as possible. Due to labor and supply chain shortages, companies started looking into asset tracking and monitoring solutions due to the abundance of benefits and process improvements. Here are three ways asset tracking and monitoring solutions benefit industrial companies.

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6 Questions to Consider When Evaluating a Location System

Asset tracking is a crucial but sometimes overlooked part of business operations that can provide many benefits for a company. Theft alone costs companies a staggering $50 billion each year in the United States. That number does not even calculate the money lost in searching for equipment or equipment that is permanently lost. Asset trackers have proven to help companies operate more efficiently, optimize usage of assets, and save companies money.

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Join the AirFinder Difference!

  • Innovation. Organizations can be freed up to innovate and bring more impactful products and services to market.
  • Profitability. Increased profitability provides new opportunities to innovate and improve valuation.
  • Digital Transformation. Discover competitive advantages, new revenue opportunities, improved customer relationships, and increased efficiency.


What Makes Link Labs Different?

As we head into 2022, businesses are realizing that implementing an IoT platform can be a daunting task. There are many voices competing for your attention. Our goal is to help you sort through all those voices and give you the confidence to boldly walk into the future. Here is a snapshot of what makes us different.

  • Customer service that comes to you
  • Nearly 30 patents
  • Seamless indoor to outdoor tracking and monitoring
  • IT independent – no strain on your network
  • Complete system – hardware and software in one solution offering

Walking into the future requires a first step. We would love to help you take that first step by starting a conversation. If our AirFinder platform(s) are not right for you, we will do our best to point you in the right direction.

Why Choose Link Labs?

Michael Jenkins

Written by Michael Jenkins

Michael is Vice President of Business Development at Link Labs with overall responsibility for our relationships with Carrier Partners. With 20+ years of sales leadership experience, Michael is an innovative and results oriented executive with a proven track record in developing and championing creative solutions to meet business objectives while increasing revenues and profits. In his previous role at AT&T, Michael led a highly experienced team of engineering, sales and consulting professionals that worked with AT&T’s largest global clients in the Retail, Restaurant & Hospitality Industry headquarterd in the mid-Atlantic and Southeast. Michael’s extensive background in developing enterprise IT solutions provides him with the expertise and experience to assist companies in transforming their business through the adoption of emerging technologies. Michael has a Bachelor’s degree in Biology and Chemistry as well as a Masters of Business Administration in Finance and Management Information Systems from the University of Georgia.

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