Software Downloads | LL-RLP-20 and LL-RXR-27 downloads

Host interface source code - release.tar

The latest release of source code to implement the module's host interface.

release_1_5_0.tar.gz - host interface source code

For a high-level explanation of the host interface, checkout this "Host Interface Description."  For usage and documentation of the command set, checkout the "Link Labs Host Interface Library" documentation.

This release of the host interface source code is compatible with the 1.5.0 release of the LL-RLP-20 and LL-RXR-27 firmware, which includes new features:

Minimum required Gateway Software version is 1.5.2:

  • A Gateway Software update can be performed using the gateway's local webpage.
  • For help or questions about upgrading Gateway Software, please contact

Deprecated source code to implement the module's host interface.

release_1_3_2.tar.gz - old host interface source code

The 1.3.2 release does not support file transfers and/or use of Repeaters. Link Labs recommends updating to the 1.5.0 release, if possible.

Encrypted binary of LL-RLP-20/RXR-27 firmware - rlp_multi_mac.bin

Latest production release (v1.5.0) for LL-RLP-20 or LL-RXR-27 module operating at 915 MHz:  

For instructions to flash the encrypted binary to a module, checkout "Updating Module Firmware."

This release of the module firmware includes new features:

Minimum required Gateway Software version is 1.5.2:

  • A Gateway Software update can be performed using the gateway's local webpage.
  • For help or questions about upgrading Gateway Software, please contact

Deprecated release (v1.3.2) for LL-RLP-20 or LL-RXR-27 module operating at 915 MHz.


Deprecated release (v1.3.2) for LL-RLP-20 or LL-RXR-27 module operating at 868 MHz.

Python script to update module firmware -

This is a command-line utility to update the firmware of a Symphony Link module by passing an encrypted binary file over a USB-to-UART bridge to the module. For details on implementation, please refer to the "Updating Module Firmware" article.

Python wrapper of the module's host interface -

The most recent version of is now on pypi, the Python package repo: 

This library wraps the Host Interface of the LL-RLP-20 and LL-RXR-27 with Python classes. This is useful, for example, if you want to control the LL-RLP-20 or LL-RLP-27 from a Raspberry Pi.

For a deprecated version of that is compatible with LL-RLP-20 and LL-RXR-27 firmware version 1.3.2, use the following link: for firmware v1.3.2

Installing the linklabs-host-interface 1.5.0 Python library

It is easy to install the host interface library to Python using a package manager. For example, use pip to install the library from the command terminal by executing the following command:

pip install linklabs-host-interface

Usage is documented at pypi.

Command line utility to control module in Symphony Link mode - symphony_test.exe

This executable is a PC command-line tool to control an LL-RLP-20 or LL-RXR-27 in Symphony Link mode with firmware version 1.5.0:

symphony_test.exe - for firmware version 1.5.0

The as-built executable is only suitable for Windows. However, the source code for symphony_test is available in the host interface release, and it is possible to build for any platform.

This release of symphony_test is compatible with the 1.5.0 release of the LL-RLP-20 and LL-RXR-27 firmware.

This executable is a deprecated command-line tool to control an LL-RLP-20 or LL-RXR-27 in Symphony Link mode with firmware version 1.3.2:

symphony_test.exe - for firmware version 1.3.2

Command line utility to control module in NoMac mode - nomac_test.exe

This executable is a PC command-line tool to control an LL-RLP-20 or LL-RXR-27 in NoMac mode with firmware version 1.5.0:

nomac_test.exe - for firmware version 1.5.0

The as-built executable is only suitable for Windows.  However, the source code for nomac_test is available in the host interface release, and it is possible to build for any platform.

This release of nomac_test is compatible with the 1.5.0 release of the LL-RLP-20 and LL-RXR-27 firmware.

This executable is a deprecated command-line tool to control an LL-RLP-20 or LL-RXR-27 in NoMac mode with firmware version 1.3.2:

nomac_test.exe - for firmware version 1.3.2